Monday, January 22, 2007

Conservative writers

I truly enjoy reading articles written by most conservative writers. I believe the reason this is the case, is because almost all conservative writers are literate, logical and civil. It is very seldom that you find, even on the Internet, conservatives who resort to constant name-calling, belittling of others, and/or foul language. On the other hand, it is very unusual to find a liberal blog that doesn't utilize any, or all of the above deterrents to reading them. It is very difficult to read paragraph after paragraph of what amounts to, venom spewed out, at those that the particular writer, sees as, or portrays as, hateful demons out to do harm to the elderly, the poor, the environment (insert whatever liberal cause the writer is espousing), or those who simply see the world in general, and the United States in particular as a place of great opportunity for anyone willing to put enough energy and effort into getting what they want.

As many of you know, I have added some new elements to my page. There are some other things that I would like to be able to do, and hopefully I will be able to learn how to do them. One of the new additions to my page is a list of links to other sites that I visit fairly often. I happened to stumble across an Internet blog created by a man by the name of Walter Grandberry. I have been extremely impressed by the quality, thoughtfulness and depth of his writing. The man is a lot smarter than I am. His blog is called, Matters of Manner and Type. I highly recommend reading through his efforts. You can read his most recent entries, simply by clicking on the link on my blog, but I would highly recommend that you start with this entry:

I don't know how big of a following Mr. Grandberry has, but if any of you become his fans, I'm sure he would appreciate any comments you would like to add about any particular entry he has. I have to admit, I need to get the dictionary regularly, but, I can't think of anyone who reads my page that would not enjoy his style and insights.
James A.


Bymer said...

How do you feel about Rush in the context of this post?

Can I get some commentary from the Fuzzy Brain on number of times Pelosi blinked during the recent State of the Union. I'm thinking something like Patti Wood's 1/24 blog entry.

Unknown said...


Interesting that bymer mentioned Rush . . . I quit listening to him when he began belittling callers and listeners who had not achieved his level of financial "equality".

"Name-calling": I believe that you referred to my views on suggested methods of achieving actual victory in Iraq as "moronic" on this particular blog

the name of which is "Susan from the Right".

Or doesn't "moronic" count because it is an adjective rather than a noun?

Just curious.

Jeff Dreibus

Unknown said...

Oops. Try this to get to James's and Jeff's "Susan from the Right" responses:

I don't know how only part of the address ended up being displayed; boy, do I ever feel moronic!

Jeff Dreibus

James A. said...

Bymer and Jeff,

How do I feel about Rush? First and foremost, Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. He readily admits that. Secondly, Rush gets very angry with half truths, part of the story, and out and out lies. As he says, he illustrates absurdity by being absurd. I listen to Rush occasionally these days, but I do not listen to them as regularly as I once did. And Jeff, as I say I do not listen as regularly, but I never can remember him belittling his callers based on their level of success compared to his.

In this post I was specifically referring to writings. And especially to Internet blogs. If you ever happen to stumble across a liberal blog, you might be shocked at the amount of foul language that is used, and, at the number of times the word "hate" is used in reference to George Bush, Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld. Most editorial columns will not get printed in major newspapers with foul language, but Molly Ivins constantly gets published with her nasty, bitter point of view.

Jeff, what I actually said was "His second point is completely moronic, and completely contradicts his statement about "gleefully" curtailing our own citizens' liberties, that he makes in his first paragraph." I guess, I don't think it does count, as calling you a name. As it says, his (yours) second point. Referring to the point not you. Now you may argue, that that is just semantics, but I would disagree. I chose my words very carefully, to not say "Jeff, is a moron". Just because someone is a foreign-born Muslim, does not automatically disqualify them as citizens of the United States. Maybe my problem, with your arguments, is that they seem to argue for different results. For instance, you open your statement with "I would love nothing more than to see us win this war", then, you say "Otherwise, the only thing which we will accomplish by "surging" is to get a lot of our guys and gals killed and generate the same bad P.R. which we would create by actually winning the war.". I would find it easier to understand, if you said let's bomb them back to the stone age, which is the only thing that would happen by fighting nothing other than an aggressive air and missile campaign. Your last two paragraphs certainly leads me to believe, that you are not interested in finishing up the job in Iraq.

I know plenty about our postwar involvement in both Europe, and Japan. As a matter of fact, we still have a military base on Okinawa, and on Japan proper. We have been a member of NATO, basically since the end of World War II, which is certainly more than one generation. I for one, certainly do not expect the United States to walk out of Iraq any time soon, even if we can quell the Sunni insurgency and the Shiite death squads. We are probably not very far off ideologically. I do believe your initial response to Susan may have been hastily written, but based on what you had said, I do not apologize for my comments.

By the way, if you would post the address of your blog here, I would be more than happy to read some of what you have to say. I'm not going to promise that I will respond, but I will definitely stop by and read.

James A. O'Hara

James A. said...


Patti Wood has far too much time on her hands. To go through that speech, frame by frame, is certainly overkill. She proclaims herself to be a body language expert, so I guess she was doing no more than utilizing her expertise, but, I would guess she got it right. Neither Bush nor Pelosi particularly like each other, and I would doubt that there is much respect for each other either.

James A.

Unknown said...


Most importantly, don't ever feel as though I expect an apology becuase I do not. Say it like you think it is, man -- I've got a thick skin. Just thought you might want a heads-up about word choices which might prove problematic in future blogs/responses -- that is, if you want to play the "good cop" role. I, on the other hand, choose to be the "bad cop" at every opportunity . . .

Absolutely I want to see Iraq bombed farther back into the stone age than it already is. You have no idea how badly I want this war won -- I'm pretty sure that I clarified that in my response to Susan's "What Say You, Jeff?" entry. if I thought that "surging" alone would do it, i would be all for it -- but do the military minds have an actual plan for winning? And if so, will Bush let them do it? I see no evidence of this . . .

About the Muslims: please pay attention to what has already taken place in Europe, most particularly France, and then decide if "thinning the herd" over here by bestowing a few well-chosen one-way air fares back to the "old country" isn't worth consideration. They keep telling us that we are in the middle of a war -- and indeed we are, and in fact it is a holy war -- but I see very little evidence of "stateside wartime strategy" except their willingness to impose restrictions upon the privacy and freedom of movement of our own citizens. This is important: contrast our government's behavior now with their actions during WWII. And this hypocrisy of keeping our borders wide-open to outsiders while we restrict our own citizens has got to be brought to a halt! Abdul can sneak across the border with Pedro and if the agents try to stop them, they may end up in prison. Meanwhile, I had to pay my county's Register of Deeds $17 to declare that I use an "alias" -- and I had to do it by a certain date or risk Federal charges! Why? Because the name of my business is not MY name. Insanity!

And what follows at the end of this paragraph are the exact words with which dear old Rush ended his conversation with a lady who worked in consumer credit couseling. She had seen the consequences, deliberate and unintended, of the brilliant Republican "get rid of bankruptcy" law, and she didn't like it. Rush "put her in her place" and ended his diatribe with this: "And if you still think I'm wrong, just look where I am, and look where YOU are!" What a prince. Now the radio stays off between noon and three.

Okay, I had better stop now before I tip my hand to being a conservative populist (as opposed to a conservative elitist) -- oops, guess I already did. Below is a link to my blog, which is called "If the Right One Don't Get Ya, the Left One Will", or ITRODGYTLOW for short.

Be sure to check out what my bio says about Molly Ivins and her partner in hate, Jim Hightower -- I'm not THAT sort of populist!

Jeff Dreibus